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These “collaboratives” or clusters elevate the employers shared vision to fill the most critical workforce needs. The deliverables of the Talent Pipeline support career awareness, exploration and training for new and existing jobs through industry marketing and training at the secondary and post-secondary levels, and for all populations, including dislocated or disabled workers, veterans, youth and career changers. Career pathways for industry critical roles will identify on-ramps for youth and adult audiences with varying levels of education and skill. The financial sustainability of the program will involve employer collaborative contributions using a demonstrated Return on Investment model.


VTPM Deliverables include:

  1. Identification of Industry Critical Roles

  2. Forecast for each critical role

  3. Common Job descriptions for critical roles across the industry

  4. Career pathways diagrams with on ramps for all education levels

  5. Connections with educators for work-based learning

  6. Return on Investment analysis for hiring and retention measurements

  7. A pipeline of skilled employees

The VBR Research and Education Foundation (VBRREF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in South Burlington, Vermont, which works to ensure a continuum of high quality educational experiences to prepare children and families to be productive citizens in a global economy. The VBRREF is focusing efforts in the key area of College and Career Readiness through a collaboration between businesses and educators to develop career awareness and exploration programs for youth and all ages - to help fill Vermont’s skills gap. The Vermont Talent Pipeline Management (VTPM) project is the major initiative for this work.

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